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The UnLearning Path Information Session

  • 6 Steps


"Recognize that unlearning is the highest form of learning."~Rumi **Please read UPDATE at the bottom of this page before continuing** If you have been called to our website and have been hearing the whispers of Horse leading you to unlearning with us, this FREE Information Session is for you! Once you have completed the session, please contact us if you have any questions or to book a Discovery Call with Fotini to further explore the possibilities! You are also invited join our FREE private Facebook group called 'The Sacred Horse' for conscious connections with Horse-inspired folks from around the world! If you are on Facebook, please head over to our group and 'request to join'. We hope to see you there! UPDATE*Please note that The Sacred Horse Connection pdf was being offered as a complimentary gift, exclusively during the time of the recording. It is now a part of the full 11 day program called 'The Sacred Horse Connection' here on our course page. Each day includes an audio recording as well as the guide for reference and reflection. The exchange is $44, received with gratitude. Please also note that the Key Concepts Guide has now become part of our 'Masterclass for Equine Guided Professionals' and is no longer available for free. We apologize for any inconvenience. We will be re-recording the Unlearning Path Information soon in order to update the outdated aspects of the presentation.*

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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